
Literacy Time
Berita Sekolah

Literacy Time

Golden age (0–5 years) is an important period in the development of children. At this stage, children will have the fastest growth in their lives—physical growth to language and cognitive development. Several things that happen at this age will determine their personality and future intelligence.

 Parents’ awareness of the importance of this golden period, and their role in this vital stage will help optimize children’s development. Hence, parental involvement in activities such as storytelling and reading books with their children fosters progress in their early language and literacy skills.


The following are the benefits of reading books and sharing stories with children:

1. encourage love for reading;

2. improve language skills, both listening and speaking / communication;

3. introduce the concept of things around them (colors, letters, numbers, shapes, objects etc.);

4. train and stimulate imagination, empathy, and creativity;

5. instill moral values in children;

6. develop logical and critical thinking skills; and

7. create strong and positive relationships between parents and children.


Therefore, TKK Plus PENABUR supports our children’s early literacy skills development by providing printed and electronic books that are available in Indonesian and English languages in order to help our dear parents to stimulate their children’s language development. Electronic books (e-books) can be accessed from this website --- We provide 315 e-books and 1.225 printed books to stimulate children’s interest and communication skills.

With our e-book library, fun, delightful and interesting resources that will aid in stimulating your children’s language development is now at your fingertips anytime, anywhere. Happy reading everyone








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