
Passover Celebration 2024
Berita Sekolah

Passover Celebration 2024

TKK Plus PENABUR Cirebon- On April 5, the TKK Plus PENABUR Cirebon students celebrated Easter with TKK 11 PENABUR Jakarta with the theme “Jesus is Alive, He Lives in Me”.

All students were pleased and delighted to celebrate the day of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Together, they praised God, gave performances, and listened to God’s words. The word of God was delivered by Rev. Mrs Yerusa Maria, who taught us to be grateful for God’s gifts by daring to show our talents, whether singing, dancing, or playing drama, so that God’s name is glorified.

By celebrating Easter together, the students of TKK Plus PENABUR Cirebon and TKK 11 PENABUR Jakarta can get to know each other and become friends; this is the second time we have celebrated Easter together.

To celebrate Easter, students of TKK Plus PENABUR Cirebon also share with friends in other schools, they collect toys or stationery that can be given. The children were very excited when participating in this activity because they enjoyed sharing with other friends. Through this activity, we hope that the TKK Plus PENABUR Cirebon students will care more about friends and others according to the example of the Lord Jesus.

Thank you to all the parents who continue to support our events.

See you!!

Happy Easter, God bless you.



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