
PG Presentation - My Senses
Kegiatan Sekolah

PG Presentation - My Senses

This morning, 1 December 2020, 11 PG students presented "My Senses" presentation. They point, count and informed the function of senses (eyes, nose, mouth) to their friends, parents, and teachers. Although it was virtual presentation via zoom at home, the students, parents and teachers were so excited. For most of them, this was the first students presentation. It became a special impression for them.

Hello everybody, my name is..... I am 3 years old. I am PG students.  These are my eyes. My eyes, for seeing. I have two eyes: 1, 2. Thank you for listening. Bye...bye... That was one of the PG Students Virtual Presentation. Wow, 3 years old students were able to speak in English bravely in front of friends, parents and teachers.

Not only having personal presentation, but PG students also having group presentation such as singing(good morning, head shoulder, good bye song), dancing(chicken dance), doing gesture (happy, sad, angry, big, small, hot, cold, fast, slow, walking, running, jumping, turn around, sit down). Hopefully this presentation could facilitate the students to express their English communication skills, braveness & confidence of students and build family bonding between students and parents.

Well done Kids, thank you Parents, good job PG Teachers. See you in the next event. May God bless us. 

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