
The 16th TKK Plus Anniversary
Kegiatan Sekolah

The 16th TKK Plus Anniversary

Let’s celebrate 16th Anniversary of TKK Plus PENABUR Cirebon
On Friday, 30 July 2021

Put on your T-Shirt/ your dress and we will do a lot of fun activities together..
We also prepare extra 16 presents for the winner of photo competition
For the complete info, please check this video!

Best regards, TKK Plus PENABUR Cirebon


Let’s make the TKK Plus Anniversary Cake 


Thank you everyone (parents, students, teachers, staff) for this blissful journey. Sixteen years is not a short period, we keep being a better one. Hope we can serve you for a hundred years later 


Let’s join the cherrish of TKK Plus Anniversary with students and Teachers K1 class 


Congrats for all the participant and winners in decorating cup cake competition

PG Class 

K1 Class

K2 Class 

Thank you for sharing your time and your wish in celebrating TKK Plus Anniversary. See you in next event.

May God bless you all

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