
Toe-toe Trial Class
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Toe-toe Trial Class

TKK PLUS PENABUR has some classes and one of them is Toetoe Class. This class is for 15 – 24 months old kids.  Toetoe class is focus on sensory play which is very important for their development.  Sensory play plays an important role in a child’s learning and development. Much of our learning comes through our ability to use our senses to retain information. Sensory play is any activity that stimulates our senses – touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. It helps children interact with and make sense of the world that surrounds them.


Besides sensory play, we also have nature and outdoor activities. Kids learn how to take care of plants and animals in nature class. For outdoor activities, we have balpool time, sand playing and water playing. Not only focus on the activities, but we also help the students to socialize with other kids at the same age.


Toetoe has done the trial class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in August 2024.

We will have more trial class in Toetoe.

Feel free to ask and contact us if you want to join our trial. See youu.....


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